“Deadpool and Wolverine,” is an action packed and entertaining movie, directed by Shawn Levy, and hit the theaters on July 26, 2024. This movie centers on Deadpool (Ryan Reynolds) and Wolverine (Hugh Jackman) who worked together to not only save Deadpool’s universe but all the other universes from getting erased without getting caught by the TVA (Time Variant Authority). While trying to pursue their mission, they get zapped into the void (a junkyard located at the End of Time that previously sent everything pruned by the TVA). Meanwhile, Cassandra (Emma Corrin) tries to keep them in the junkyard in order to take the power away from the Time Ripper and gather the power to destroy all timelines as retribution for Paradox’s (Matthew Macfadyen) actions.
I really enjoyed this movie and was very excited to watch it since I’ve seen the trailer and a few previews multiple times. This film was consistently funny but what I mostly enjoyed about it was how it kept me engaged with the movie. The contrast between serious and unserious characters was effective, as it led to plenty of laughs, especially when one was annoyed with the other. By the end of the movie, it projected how Wolverine changed as a person and how he almost sacrificed himself to do what was right instead of being selfish.
The other two Deadpool movies featured different types of villains. In the first movie, the villain transformed Wade Wilson into the person he is now and wanted to turn him into a super-powered slave for his own personal gain. In the second movie, the antagonist was a mutant kid, named Firefist, that had fire powers and was driven with the motive to seek revenge on the men who abused him. He was determined to stop anyone who got in his way. In the third movie you have the average power hungry villain who wants everything for themself. However, all the movies conclude with a happier ending than where they started.
Deadpool and Wolverine was a very interesting and entertaining movie overall. It had its fair share of sexual jokes and action, but I think these elements shape the characters in who they are and what made the movie funnier than what it would have been without them. I’d consider this movie to be more for Marvel fans, I’d honestly recommend it for everyone.