Bathroom Locking Update

Effective tomorrow, Nov. 14, all school bathrooms will be unlocked during school hours said Dr. Re Richardson and Mr. Strickland. The bathrooms will be open during both class time and lunch, except for situational health reasons such as bloody noses, according to Dr. Re Richardson.

The administration said bathrooms were being locked for preventative safety purposes. 

“Our students and our staff and their lives are paramount to us,” said Dr. Re Richardson, “so at no time do we want to give access to an area where students aren’t supervised.”

San Leandro High administration is working with the district and security personnel to keep the bathrooms unlocked.

“We are working, currently, on a resolution, and it is actually coming about with support from our district to allow us to have more supervision in those areas,” said Mr. Strickland. 

Dr. Richardson and Mr. Strickland said that they have heard minimal concerns from the school community. According to Dr. Richardson, most of the concern has centered around the extra distance students have to walk to use the bathroom.