A heavy burden on middle-class

Let’s make the Rich carry some of the load

Throughout corporate American history, there has always been an issue that plagued my mind. Why do middle class people have to pay the majority of taxes, while the rich can find ways to get around paying them?

This unfair taxing system allows the already established wealthy individuals and corporations to keep getting richer, when it should be that the government should tax wealthy people more in order to support the Americans who need it. 

This issue is present everywhere, even in this community. The recent remodeling of the quad was only possible by the citizens of San Leandro, who received an increase in taxes as a result of Measure N( A 198 million dollar bond that was used to pay the quad off).

You could argue that in turn San Leandro Citizens will receive the benefit of higher property value. In addition the majority of San Leandro citizens voted for Measure N, but what about the people that are already struggling to keep up with the high price of living in San Leandro, why should we be punished by higher taxes, when we are surrounded by various large scale companies.

Companies like Ghirardelli Chocolate or Amazon have locations in San Leandro and have the money and resources to help out San Leandro citizens. They are big corporations that make millions, if not billions, of dollars, so they should be taxed more than individual citizens. Especially Amazon that makes 1.29 billion dollars per day.

If we unite and bring it to the attention of our representative, Barbara Lee, we could slowly start to elevate this problem. Californians should unite and not let big corporations keep getting away with not paying little to no amount of taxes.

Even if most of us can’t vote yet, we can still make changes, such as protesting and making a big fuss on social media, after all we are amazing at making trends.