Student athletes at San Leandro High often experience an increase in competition during their tenure. While a small number of student athletes begin playing their sport immediately at the varsity level most start playing their sport on the junior varsity (JV). Eventually some JV players will level up to the varsity team where they experience tougher competition compared to JV.
Most student athletes view varsity as simply a higher level of competition, but there is more that separates the two levels of competition. The varsity experience changes in many ways including how your environment shifts. The coaching staff, plus the players’ skills and their mentalities, all differ between the JV and varsity teams. The transition can affect players’ lives either positively or negatively.
“The environment was very different on JV,” said Jaylyn Oseguera-Hov, a sophomore who advanced to varsity girls softball last season. “We had nicer coaches and everybody was less experienced so you relearn things and when you transition to varsity, the coaching staff is very different. They are hard on you and expect more out of you.”
Like Oseguera-Hov, who experienced a change in expectations between JV and varsity coaching staffs, Gary Ferguson, a senior, also mentions how the coaching staff was one of the most significant changes when he transitioned from JV baseball to the varsity team.
“There’s no competition on JV, and varsity has more competition with a higher skill level,” said Ferguson. “The coaches weren’t that good on JV, but when I got on varsity they seemed to know what they were doing. I also had to keep my grades up to stay on varsity more because my var coach would check my grades more than on JV.”

While an adjustment in coaching staff can take time, the greater challenge is the work these athletes must put in on their own time. They must separate themselves from the player they were on JV to emerge and create a new identity as a varsity athlete.
Senior cheerleader Naomi Chebami said another big difference in transitioning from JV to varsity is the pressure of the practices and greater level of expertise.
“For JV cheer you do easier stuff,” said Chebami. “And varsity is where you do all the sharp movements or it is not going to look right. When you’re on varsity, you’re just held to a higher standard, like when you mess up you are automatically going to look as if you belong back on JV.”

In addition to the higher skill level athletes are expected to have on varsity, there is also a larger fan presence on varsity than on JV. The school’s new gymnasium is a lot bigger than the previous gymnasium which allows more room for a bigger audience.
Justin Yang, a junior who moved up to the varsity boys basketball team last season said that some athletes’ biggest change from JV to varsity is the pressure they endure from the larger crowds.
“On varsity, the coach is always looking at the stuff you do, like how much you hustle and work,” said Yang. “There are a lot more people watching the game and more pressure on you as well.”