Reclaiming Black Hxstory Month

Jadyn Fluker, Staff Writer

As most people know, February is Black Hxstory month, a time when we acknowledge our ancestors and all their accomplishments. During Black Hxstory month, teachers take about a week to review Black hxstory. All that is taught is the Civil War, the Civil Rights Movement, and the enslavement of black men, womxn, and even children, but what about the hxstory before slavery?

It’s important for young people to understand that black men and womxn played large roles in making the U.S. more advanced although they often do not receive credit for it. Black hxstory is much bigger than just slavery and should not be ignored. Too many young people go through life without even knowing about life before slavery.

An article from EdLanta written by Jason B. Allen claims, “Teaching Black history helps to build school culture, character development and restorative practices that in turn will decrease the racial tension and prejudices in America.”

Why aren’t there lessons on African empires such as the Kingdom of Ghana Empire, Mali Empire, Songhai Empire, Benin Empire, and the Ethiopian Empire? I believe teachers should teach about how our people were inventors, talked in our own languages, practiced our own culture, and were very civilized and technologically advanced. The people living in these kingdoms were skilled in subjects such as medicine, mathematics, and astronomy.

Once February ends, we won’t hear another lesson on black hxstory until next year and the same topics will only be reviewed once again. Black Hxstory month needs to be a year-long celebration. Our people deserve year-round recognition for the voices that had been shoved to the side because of the color of their skin. It’s time we reclaim black hxstory month and dig deeper into our past.