“Venom: The Last Dance,” released on October 25, 2024, directed by Kelly Marcel, is a very funny and witty, action-packed film. This movie is about Eddie Brock (Tom Hardy) and Venom who are both trying to make it to New York to clear their name. On their way, they are faced with aliens from Venom’s world, who will somehow take over Earth if they successfully catch them; and then they have to deal with the military, who plan on studying and conducting symbiote (a franchise created word to mean a parasitic alien) experiments if they also catch them.
I really enjoyed this movie and looked forward to watching it since I liked the previous two a lot. What I liked the most about the movie was how they changed up the kind of villain they were up against. The last couple of villains were power hungry people on Earth who got hold of a symbiote. Those two movies ended in a big fight that resulted in a victory for Venom and Eddie.
This movie had a different power hungry being, but he was on another planet and never came and physically fought Venom. The only thing they were up against were aliens that were sent to retrieve them. I feel like this changed up the repetitiveness. I wouldn’t say I didn’t enjoy any part of this movie, other than the fact I felt like the ending was a bit rushed. We were introduced with a handful of new symbiotes, then they were almost all taken away pretty quickly.
Venom: The Last Dance was a good movie and I’m sure it reached its target audience which consists of mainly Marvel fans.